Both local & international cuisine

Takeaway food

Great coffee

Local beer

Payment by card


are recommended
for dinner
+420 734 625 483


Opening hours

Monday 10°°-18°°
kitchen 11°°-17:30

Tuesday 10°°-18°°
kitchen 11°°-17:30

Wednesday 10°°-18°°
kitchen 11°°-17:30

Thursday 10°°-18°°
kitchen 11°°-17:30

Friday 10°°-20°°
kitchen 11°°-19:30

Saturday 10°°-20°°
kitchen 11°°-19:30

Sunday 10°°-17°°
kitchen 11°°-16:30

 In case of bad weather
the opening hours
may be shortened

Café & Restaurant Srub team
+420 734 625 483

